Saturday, December 18, 2010


Prepping:  Bought some stuff for our church campout which adds well to the supplies.  Got a huge tent on sale, so that's a major area covered (pun!).  The two propane lanterns have been wicked and run.  The propane stove too (all Christmas gifts from last year that hadn't been unboxed yet).  In addition to the tent we have a 10 x 10 canopy with optional sides, which is practically another tent.  It's only car mobile (it has the all in one easy set up frame), but is definitely useful in all kinds of situations (particularly non-disaster party situations!).  Picked up a magnesium firestarter rod, but haven't given it a go yet.  I do have an empty peanut butter jar (plastic) that I want to make into a first aid kit.  I really think that is a great container (lid, plastic, waterproof - what more do you need?)

So I haven't moved real far down the preparedness trail, but am getting started.  The first aid kit is next, and probably water containers/purification.  I'm not setting a date this time tho...

Dave Ramsey Debt Plan:   Well, we did a budget for one month and then let that slide.  That's the hazard of paying all that stuff off, now there is money to spare so the pressure is off!  We've both vowed to get back on it, and start a savings account for a new truck (at the end of '11) and investing.  I will get a 3.5% raise 1 Jan so I'm going to put most of that into the 401k.  The best thing we've done in this area is refinance the house.  Wells Fargo and Obama made it easy.  We got a flyer for a no-closing cost refi, where all we had to do was sign the papers and send them in.  A slightly lower rate (about a point and a half), but we're also doing a 15 yr (we're only 5 years in to our 30 yr right now).  We'll be paying what we are right now because we were already paying a little more to principle anyway.  And adding some more on top.  So we should be free and clear on the the house in 12-13 yrs!  Awesome!  Then I'll just need to convince the wife to keep working a few more years so we can bank it all.  Jan will be the skipped month for payments, so that money will start the car fund.

House: Just got the sewing room threshold put in.  Not to shabby if I do say so myself.  Scared myself when cutting the carpet.  Didn't want to cut it too short, but making a second cut when you only have about 1/4 inch to hang onto is tough.  Looks go though, and is better than a big hunk of carpet flopping in the door. 

Looking forward to spring and putting insulation under the house.  The freezing spell we had reminded me how cold the house could get, and next month's electric bill will remind what it really means when the heater is running all the time.  I'm looking at DIY 2 part spray foam.  $6-700 should cover about 600 sq ft, which is about half the house, which is about what is left to do (I put rigid foam board and some fiberglass in the rest).  I'm thinking the spray will be MUCH easier to put in (at least until I get to the kitchen, where there is practically NO crawlspace), and the R value is 3 times the foam board (6 vs 2).  I really want to feel comfortable next winter.

Also on the 2011 to-do list is finishing off the garage.  Only have half the back siding to finish, plus one more board all around, then I'll do the soffits.  Caulk and paint, weatherstrip the garage door, and do a ramp and it will be done.  Well, will still need to get electricity to it, but that isn't a visual problem.  Plus that has zero effect on the bug problem, which soffits definitely will fix.

Other house plans include a sprinkler system so we can actually grow some grass (possibly a well to ease the water bill), and reflooring the front room. 

My New Year's resolution is to dedicate 4 hours every Saturday morning to projects, and just keep whittling away at them til they are done.  I tend to not even start a project because I look at the great big picture, rather than breaking it down to more manageable pieces.

Politics: I'm still frustrated, until the GOP proves they can lead us to fiscal sanity with balanced budgets, fixed social security/medicare, and a revised (Fair Tax!) tax system.  So I'm not changing the blog title just because everyone hated the Dems more than the GOP this election.